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Kill O' The Grange National School, Co. Dublin

Student Council

Culture Fair- Written by Daragh Concannon

The Student Council are hoping to run a Culture Fair in KOTG. This would be the first time the school has hosted an event like this and we are hoping that it will be a success. The aim is to have this event set up in our P.E hall with plenty of stands from many different nationalities. We recently carried out a survey in the school and found that there are over 25 different nationalities represented (including parents and grandparents). We will keep you updated on our progress. 

Student Council Badges- Written by Lara Hood

A week ago, the Student Council received some amazing student council badges! They were made using our house colours. The student council are so lucky to have them! The student council love it when students come up and chat with us, so if you have any ideas for the school, if you're excited about something, or if you earned some house points, I'm sure your house leader would be more then happy to hear about that! 

Fancy Dress Day- Written by Liam McDonagh

Dress up day was organised by the Student Council and the Green Committee. It happened on the last day before the midterm break. It was so much fun and we got to see some really amazing and creative costumes. Even the staff dressed up! A lot of the costumes were homemade and had a lot of effort put into them. During assembly, we hosted a catwalk with Halloween themed music in the background. 

Trait of the Month- Written by Louisa Reay

The Student Council has decided to bring back Trait of the Month this year. If you don't know what Trait of the Month is, it is when we choose a positive trait for the students to aspire to be more like. For example, the trait of October was kindness so the students would try to be extra kind to their peers and teachers. We are delighted to announce that the trait for November is... respect! 

The House System- Written by Amy Bewley 

The House System started 3 years ago in KOTG and has grown ever since. A few people from each class are put into a House with children from other classes in the school. Personally, I think that as a school we have become a lot closer with other classes since the houses were created! It is great to see house members going up to each other for giving high fives and showing kindness. Each House has their own motto and handshake to show what house they are in. The Student Council decided it would be a fun idea to start house points. The points are updated on the school website. We have lots of fun house events planned for this year and we can't wait to see who will win the new KOTG House Cup!